Search results for gaia
GAIA GREEN All Purpose is an excellent product for landscape and garden use. This fertilizer creates an outstanding blend for all your fertilizing needs.
GAIA GREEN Blood Meal is known for having a high concentration of plant available nitrogen. It is released gradually as the protein decomposes in the soil. It is gentle on soil microbes that encourage humus production & good soil tilth.
GAIA GREEN Power Bloom is a high phosphate fertilizer specifically formulated to support prolific flowering & fruiting. As a result, GAIA GREEN Power Bloom is the best fertilizer for root development & for all flowering & fruiting plants.
GAIA GREEN Bone Meal is a premium, slow-release fertilizer, for bulbs, vegetables, annuals, perennials, shrubs & lawns. Primarily used as a source of phosphorous & calcium to improve nutrient conditions for root development, vgreen growth & profuse blooms
Greensand is a trace element mined iron potassium silicate, a & gentle on plants, it won’t cause root burn. It is recommended for use on lawns, household plants, golf courses, greenhouses, nurseries, & urban garden. It is suitable for all plants.
GAIA GREEN Diatomaceous Earth is a naturally occurring sedimentary rock, consisting of fossilized remains of diatoms (silica rich, single-celled algae). It encourages retention of water & nutrients by allowing high oxygen circulation within the medium.
A long time favourite of gardeners with crisp, dark green, reddish-tinged leaves & a yellowish-white heart. Keeps its buttery sweetness well even in the heat of summer & is more bolt-resistant than other butterhead varieties. 50-75 days.
Gaia Green Soluble Seaweed Extract is made from North Atlantic Kelp & considered to be the finest agricultural seaweed in the world. It can be applied to soil, but is most effective as a foliar spray. Use on home gardens, landscapes, lawns & plants.
The Slow Bolt Cilantro is an easy-to-grow variety that has a great flavour! This variety gets its name for being slow to bolt so it will have a longer harvesting period.
Gaia Green Worm Castings are the unprocessed, natural manure of African Night Crawler earthworms. They are the highest quality available; high in beneficial bacteria, organic matter, humus, nitrate nitrogen, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus & potassium.
GAIA GREEN Glacial Rock Dust is sourced from mineral deposits left by moving glaciers. This natural fertilizer contains essential plant nutrients that support strong plant growth, & can be used on all plants in home gardens, landscapes, lawn, & turf.
Italian Large Leaf basil is very similar to Genovese. It is the favoured cultivar for tomato sauces because of its more delicate leaf. It has a milder, sweeter flavour. It also bolts more slowly.