Search results for gaia
GAIA GREEN Kelp Meal is a rich source of plant nutrients. High in potassium, Kelp Meal adds organic matter to the soil to enhance plant nutrition & improve resistance to abiotic stress. Due to its slow breakdown, it may be observed for years.
GAIA GREEN Worm Castings are the unprocessed manure of earthworms. This all-purpose fertilizer is high in organic matter, & adds essential nutrients to the soil to encourage strong plant growth.
GAIA GREEN Living Soil is created through a special composting process that breaks down the fertilizer ingredients & holds them in a usable form for the plant. This is ideal for those planting situations where vigorous growth is desired.
GAIA GREEN Oyster Shell Flour is a renewable alternative to mined limestone with a comparable capacity for ameliorating soil acidity. One application can improve soil properties for years. An excellent choice to increase soil pH.
Small, plum shaped bright red fruit that is thick walled with meaty interior & few seeds. Fine tomato flavour that is excellent for paste, sauce, canning or freezing whole. Determinate variety. Very prolific. 75 days.
GAIA GREEN Gypsum is a mined mineral fertilizer rich in calcium & sulphur. In addition to providing key nutrients, it benefits soil structure, porosity, air circulation, & water infiltration & drainage.
GAIA GREEN Mineralized Phosphate is mined from caves & has a potent phosphorous content. It is a highly beneficial natural fertilizer. It provides nutrients to encourage large & plentiful blooms in flowering plants & enhances the flavour of vegetables.
GAIA GREEN Fishbone Meal is made from wild ocean fish & is a high phosphorous fertilizer. It is a great choice to support root & flower development, or as a replacement for other bone meal products.
GAIA GREEN Super Fly Insect Frass is a fertilizer derived from the excreta of black soldier fly larvae. It is a renewable resource produced from pre-consumer food waste fed to fly larvae. Gaia Green Super Fly Insect Frass is rich in essential nutrients.
GAIA GREEN Alfalfa Meal is a specialty fertilizer rich in nitrogen & potassium. It adds nutrients to enhance soil microbial activity, which contribute to improved moisture retention & reduced soil compaction.